The latest release of the Pragmatach Framework is version 1.32. Changes in this release include:
- Bug fix in JMX registration. Web contexts can now be reloaded by the container and the JMX beans are gracefully unregistered and re-registered
- Addition of the @Startup and @Shutdown annotations to allow methods to be run at container shutdown and startup. An example is here.
- Addition of @BeforeInvoke and @AfterInvoke annotations which can be used to register methods which are run before and after controller method invocations. Example is here.
- Null pointer violation when POSTing empty forms fixed
- Updated various libraries to the latest including
- org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient
- org.apache.httpcomponents.httpmime
- org.hibernate.hibernate-core
- org.apache.openjpa.openjpa
- org.thymeleaf..thymeleaf
- com.thoughtworks.xstream.xstream
- org.yaml.snakeyaml
- commons-beanutils.commons-beanutils
- commons-fileupload.commons-fileupload
- org.antlr.antlr
- commons-codec.commons-codec
- asm.asm-util
- Updated the default J2EE containers to the latest versions including
- jetty
- tomcat7
- tomcat6
- tomee
- jboss-as
- glassfish
- Updated the supported databases to the latest version including
- hsqldb
- derby
- h2
- Added prototypical MongoDB support
- Switched from cglib to javaassist for proxy generation